STEM Scholarship FAQs

STEM scholarship program is a program designed for graduate who studied from Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics courses in their undergraduate studies. There are scholarships for STEM courses in Canada available for international students and such scholarship are sponsored by the Canadian government, corporate organizations, firms or individuals. We at iFly2Canada Travels and Tours are exploring this avenue to help graduates from Africa (Nigeria) who has genuine interest to study abroad to achieve their aim without much stress.

This program is designed for graduates from any university who studied Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics related courses.

1. Applicant must be a graduate with BTech, MBBS, Pharm, B.Sc, BNSc etc. in any STEM related course.
2. Applicant must not be more than 28years old as at the time of applying.
3. Applicant must have a CGPA of not less than 3.20, 3.80 or 5.40 in the case of institution using the scale of 4.0, 5.0 and 7.0 CGPA respectively.
4. An applicant as at the time of applying must not have been graduated for more than two years.

An applicant who has graduated for more than 2 years but not exceeding 5 years will tender evidence of been continuously employed in their STEM field of study.

We practically limit the age range to 28 years and below to set a standard and give opportunities to young graduates.

The program is designed to be free for everyone but however, there is a little registration fee of NGN 20,000 (USD 60) for anyone to participate in the program.

Every applicant will sit for our online qualifying test; the test is a simple IQ related questions to determine your eligibility.

No. Registration fee is a criterion for an applicant to participate in the qualifying test and not a guarantee of being awarded the scholarship.

All eligible applicants shall pay a non-refundable fee of NGN 20,000 (USD 60) through our online payment portal while registering; this will guarantee a successful registration.

Kindly note that the coupons are transferrable and only registered applicants can have the opportunity of getting a coupon. A registration coupon code is equivalent to the sum of NGN 20,000 (USD 60) which can be resold or otherwise given to friends or families in other to invite them to the STEM Scholarship program. Beneficiaries of coupons must have STEM minimum requirements.

We shall start documentation, authentication and review of applicants' academic credentials and statement of purpose. We shall be communicating with applicants via the dashboard.

One of our objectives at iFly2Canada Travels and Tours is to bring Canadian opportunities closer to those who genuinely seek them, in doing this, we believe there are many brilliant minds who has the zeal and a burning urge to proceed for higher education after graduating from higher institutions and even though they have the basic requirement but lack the technical know-how to unlock these opportunities that awaits them. We believe that by helping them to achieve these goals, they will accord us the privilege of being part of their success story.

No! It is a generally misconstrue that IELTS and or GMAT is a standard requirement for graduate admission in Canada, well, those examinations were standard set to meet some certain requirements and many universities in Canada waive it for Nigerians e.g. IELTS is to test your ability to communicate and express yourself in English language and most Canadian University waive such test for Nigerians because English language is Nigeria's official language and language of instruction from our crèche to tertiary institution while GMAT was designed to assess analytical writing and problem solving abilities hence the reason it is majorly restricted to management related courses such as MBA, both examination is not a requirement to enter for STEM scholarship neither are they mandatorily required to secure admission in Canada.

After you have successfully completed your Masters course in Canada, you are entitled to Post Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) also known as PWP. The PWP is designed for international student to remain legally in Canada and work for a particular period of time. The years of validity of your PWP is determined by the years you have spent in school, basically the PWP allows you to stay in the country and put to use the knowledge of education you have acquired over the years into good use, while the PWP qualifies you to stay and work legally in Canada, it does not qualifies you to enter Canada if you exit the country without a visa, hence the reason we recommend processing the visa as well for our clients. Do not worry, once you are done with your master's program, you can easily engage us to process your PWP with a single click to initiate the process from our dashboard and this time, it attract a fee (token).

After getting your PWP, you become hotcake in the Canadian "flavour" market, you can choose to work 100hrs/week on your Social Insurance Number (SIN) if you have the ability to without having any fear for being sanctioned by the government but we always recommend working in a professional field that correlates with your field of studies so as to enhance your ability to secure your permanent residency very quickly and if this is adhere to, with a single click of mouse on our dashboard, we can secure your permanent residency using diverse route that is available at this point. As said earlier, this is a journey, a route many agencies has never passed but you can be rest assured that you're well covered!

After getting your Permanent Residency, lived in Canada for a specific period of months, been of good character, contributing to the growth and development of Canada, then you are eligible to apply for Canadian Citizenship!
One of the reasons why we are very explicit about this program is to let you have the confidence that we know this route, we have nurtured people through it and still nurturing some and you can pass through it while we guild you with from our wealth of experience and help you achieve your glorious destiny in Canada with no much stress as you achieve your academic, career and citizenship goal. Note this, how you get your papers in Canada means a lot and it could determine how far you will achieve in the country. You can't compare the cliques of friends of someone who works in a professional field with someone who works in a factory; both of them might have documents but not the same education! When you get to Canada, street boys will come to you, not may, they will come to you telling you how they can help you get papers so soon, and we shall shed more light on this phenomena on why you shouldn't yield to the temptation of the street during the orientation before you finally leave the shores of Nigeria.

We have had many experiences of such in the past, it is so sickening to see someone with a great prospect and full scholarship funding abandoned his/her education just to get papers so quick through some sham means thereby harming their future and giving Nigeria a bad name, but for this purpose, things has taken a different turn entirely. All successful applicants will provide a reference letter from a legal practitioner and this same legal practitioner will stand as their guarantors for them to sign and write a letter of undertaking which will be used against them should they attempt to abandon their study to file for refugee!

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